Ep 30

Tom and Ron couldn’t agree on the tool of the week for Episode 30, so they each picked their own. Ron’s tool of the week is the tool magnetizer / demagnetizer. It is an extremely handy tool that will magnetize or demagnetize your screw drivers, needle nose pliers, and a lot of other things. Ron’s son, Cody, was taking something apart and was complaining that the screwdriver wasn’t magnetized, so Ron went and got his magnetizer and made it so Cody wouldn’t drop the screws he was trying to take out. Ron’s wife, Crystal, was so impressed she decided she wanted one of her own!

Tom’s tool of the week is the servo tester. It’s another handy tool that can be used to setup airplanes or to check servos to make sure they are still good. You can manually sweep the servo with the knob, or it can automatically sweep from one end to the other to test your servos. You can also set it to be centered so you can setup your control surfaces without connecting your receiver to the servo and turning on your controller. It can run 3 servos at once.

Our First Guest, Reggie Washington

We’re excited to have our first guest, Reggie Washington, join us in studio! Reggie is a good friend of Ron and Tom’s and he has been flying RC airplanes for around 8 years. Join us to learn a little more about him and hear some funny stories. 

Our first guest, Reggie Washington, picked this week’s tool of the week, the Great Planes C.G. Machine. It’s a great tool for checking the center of gravity on your airplane, which is an extremely important step in getting an airplane setup correctly for flying..

Great Planes CG Machine

The Wives Take Over the Studio!

Crystal and Lori take over for from Ron and Tom as the hosts of this episode of the RC Plane Lab Podcast! Hear the perspective from the wives that deal with the craziness of being married to guys that fly RC airplanes. 

The girls each got to choose this week’s tool of the week since they took over for Ron and Tom! Crystal’s pick was the pin vise hand drill. She likes small things and uses it all the time around the house and for the garden!

Lori chose zip kicker for her tool of the week. She loves how quickly it makes CA glue set up and steals it from Tom’s workshop anytime she needs it.

The Balsa Stripper is an amazing tool that can save you a lot of money on pieces of balsa. It can cut balsa pieces up to 1/4″ thick into strips up to 1/2″ wide. Last time Ron bought balsa, each 1/4″ x 1/4″ strip was $1.99, but a 1/4″ x 3″ wide piece was $3.97. The tool paid for itself the first use! One 3″ wide piece of balsa yielded 12 – 1/4″ wide pieces, costing 4 bucks instead of $24! If you don’t have one of these, grab one now because they’re a great tool to have on hand.