Electro Streak 2023 Winter Build
A little history and some info on the builds
In the spring of 2022, Ron picked up an old Flitework Shiny at the Toledo swap meet. After seeing it fly at night, it quickly became one of Ron and Tom’s favorite airplanes. Tom decided he wanted one and found out these airplanes are nearly impossible to find anymore. After some discussions, we found out that the Shiny looked to be a close copy to the Electro Streak, an airplane put out by Great Planes many years ago.
As luck would have it, plans for the Electro Streak are available on Outerzone! The plan page link is below:
We will be building using the alternate plan since it has the wing ribs drawn on it. The wing can be a little tricky to build if you don’t have an A-justo-jig. The below pdf has the ribs drawn along with some standoffs if you are going to build it on a table. If downloaded and printed at 100% scale, the ribs will be the correct size.
We encourage all of you to build one with us! We will be starting our build at the beginning of January, 2023. This gives us enough time to get some other projects finished and off of our building boards. This also gives us enough time to get them built and flown by the first day of spring, March 20th, 2023!
And now the fun part. If you’re going to build along with us, you can sign up and post your progress below. This is where we get to talk through any issues we come across, or ask questions to see how other people are building theirs. Ron and Tom plan on adding LED’s to theirs to make them night flyers, and Dave plans on building his to make it as fast as he can.
Dave was good enough to make a materials list:
Estimated wood materials list for Electro Streak if cutting out all ribs, and fuselage bulkheads.
All lengths 36 inches and balsa except where noted.
- 1/4 x1 aileron stock Qty. 2
- 3/16 x1/4 Qty. 2
- 1/16 x5/8 Qty. 2
- 1/8 x1/4 Spars Medium to hard balsa Qty. 4
- 1/4 x 5/16 Qty. 2
- 1/16 x3 Qty. 7
- 3/16 x3 Qty 1
- 3/16 x3/8 Qty. 4
- 3/16 x3 Qty. 1
Fuselage bulkheads
- 1/8 light ply 6×12 Qty. 2
- 3/32 x3 Qty. 5
- 1/2 triangle stock Qty. 3
- 3/32 x3/32 Qty. 2
- 1/16 x 3 Qty. 2
- 1/4 x3 Qty. 1
- 1/8 5 ply plywood for wing plate. Could be made out of scrap material as it is a small piece.
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Electro Streak Build
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- 1 year, 11 months ago
Electro Streak Build