The Wives Take Over the Studio!

Crystal and Lori take over for from Ron and Tom as the hosts of this episode of the RC Plane Lab Podcast! Hear the perspective from the wives that deal with the craziness of being married to guys that fly RC airplanes. 

The girls each got to choose this week’s tool of the week since they took over for Ron and Tom! Crystal’s pick was the pin vise hand drill. She likes small things and uses it all the time around the house and for the garden!

Lori chose zip kicker for her tool of the week. She loves how quickly it makes CA glue set up and steals it from Tom’s workshop anytime she needs it.

The Balsa Stripper is an amazing tool that can save you a lot of money on pieces of balsa. It can cut balsa pieces up to 1/4″ thick into strips up to 1/2″ wide. Last time Ron bought balsa, each 1/4″ x 1/4″ strip was $1.99, but a 1/4″ x 3″ wide piece was $3.97. The tool paid for itself the first use! One 3″ wide piece of balsa yielded 12 – 1/4″ wide pieces, costing 4 bucks instead of $24! If you don’t have one of these, grab one now because they’re a great tool to have on hand.

Basic Fasteners and Field Etiquette

In this episode of the RC Plane Lab Podcast, Ron and Tom discuss what a good basic assortment of fasteners are to keep on hand and where to get them, and Tom talks about field etiquette and what to expect if you’re a newcomer to the hobby visiting a flying field.