In this episode of the RC Plane Lab Podcast, Ron and Tom talk about what they’ve been up to recently, what inspires them to stay in the hobby, and what derails them sometimes. They also go over some listener questions.
Ep 93: Reggie’s Back!
Reggie and Dave both joined us for this fun episode as we sat down to talk about Reggie’s number, crash stories, and the worst places we’ve flown!Â
Ep 92: Servo problems and a few Listener Questions
In this episode of the RC Plane Lab Podcast Ron and Tom talk about the problems they had with their new servos. Ron talks about going through his lipo batteries and tells how many he decommissioned, and the guys answer a few listener questions.
Ep 91: Dave Taylor
Dave Taylor is a good friend of ours, and we’re happy he agreed to sit down with us and talk about our favorite hobby.
Dave has been flying for decades and he’s built over 100 airplanes.
Join us as we sit down and have a conversation with him.
Ep 90: Discord, Chipmunks, and Tom’s new airplane
We’re on Discord! Click the link below to join our discord server.
We are headed to the Toledo RC Swap Meet and Expo in Ohio on April 1st! If you see us there, say hi!
Ron and Tom started assembling their Chipmunks, and Tom bought a new airplane on their last trip up to Dynamic Balsa. Tune in to see what he purchased!
Ep 89: Speak Softly and Fly a Big Stick!
In this episode of the RC Plane Lab Podcast, Ron and Tom talk about the origins of one of Tom’s favorite planes, Das Ugly Stik… or the Ugly Stik, or the Big Stik, or the Ultra Stik… The basic design has been known by many names over the years, and since Ron is finally building one, they thought it would be a good time to talk about it.
Follow along with Ron’s Great Planes Big Stik .40 build at:
Ep 88: Kitbashing, and Listener Questions
Tune in to hear Ron and Tom talk a little bit about kitbashing and answer some listener questions.
Ep 87: What’s your number?
In the last episode with the wives, Lori wanted to know how many airplanes each of the guys had so Ron and Tom go over their list. They also talk about some of the things they’ve been up to recently. Tune in to find out who has more airplanes!
Ep 86: The Wives are Back… Again!
The wives are back for our first episode of 2022! Tune in to find out how our holidays went, and hear what some of our goals are for the new year.
As a thank you to our Patrons, we will be having our first build night on February 26th, 2022. Information will be sent out to our patrons in the coming weeks. If you want to be part of this, be sure to head over to​​ to sign up!
Ep 85: Ron and Tom go to a hobby shop.
We finally made the trek back to our favorite hobby shop. We told our wives we wouldn’t be coming home with more airplanes but it turns out we were wrong. Tune in to find out what we couldn’t live without!