The gang has been to several swap meets lately. Tune in to hear where they’ve been and what’s new in their collection!
Ep 155: Ron and Reggie
Tune in as Ron catches up with Reggie on what he’s been up to in the hobby lately. New planes, hangar rash, and crashes are just a few of the things they talk about.
Ep 154: Listener Questions
Tune in as the guys finally get around to answering listener questions.
Ep 153: What the Torc, Man?
Remote ID is upon us. Tommy buys a plane. Ron has an oopsie. New plane releases… Tune in to hear what the guys have been up to the last couple of weeks.
Ep 152: Oh Micro Draco, I couldn’t resist
Ron buys a plane, Tom names the Beast, swap meets are coming up, and so is Joe Nall! Tune in to hear the guys talk about what’s coming up.
Ep 151: Tommy feels pity for Ron
Tune in to hear what the guys have been up to for the last couple of weeks. Tommy’s been on a roll, Dave’s done some stuff, and Ron? Not so much!
Ep 150: The 150th Episode
After 150 episodes, naming these things gets kinda hard! Tune in as the guys talk about rc airplanes and stuff.
Ep 149: Strip – Repair – Repeat
Sorry for the late release! Tune in as the guys talk about what they’ve been up to the last couple weeks, and why they were late with this episode. Hint: It’s Ron’s fault.
Ep 148: 2024, here we come!
Tune in as the guys talk about how they’ve started off the year.
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Ep 147: 2023 Wrap up, Featuring our Wives
There’s really no topic as we sit down with the wives and loosely talk about our year in review.Â